Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Keep on Running!

My youngest (3 yrs) caught a cold on vacation and has been sick the last couple of nights. As a result, he ends up in our bed every night around 3 am with a sad but loud cough that keeps me awake (especially when it is directly in your ear) for several hours. This scenario leaves me exhausted and barely able to get myself and my children up and out in the morning. Definitely not able to make my morning runs.

Because I am feeling guilty for missing so much time on vacation, I have changed my morning runs to lunchtime runs which , here is Florida, is a little crazy due to the mid day heat. It has not been fun, but I have been able to get the miles in. I would not recommend running at the hottest time of the day but, I try to think of it as "extra" conditioning. I figure that as long as I do not have heat stroke, it will make me stronger!!

Although I am thinking that I might be heat conditioned enough and am really hoping that my son will sleep in his own, very cute and cozy bed tonight!!

Marathonmama.com Women Running the World

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