Thursday, February 12, 2009

Running and Being Sick

Well sickness has kept me down for the last four days. It is killing me not to run, I just do not think It wise for me to go out. This latest turn of events brings me to ponder whether or not one should continue to train when not feeling well, does it do your body more harm than good to keep pushing it when it is down? We have all heard those stories about the athletes who ran a race with the flu, or trained through various sicknesses, but is that realistic for the regular guy or girl? My personal opinion (and what has worked for me in the past) is listen to your body. If you are not well enough to go to school or work, do not run. I feel that running while sick will only stress your body out and prolong the illness. Take a rest and as soon as you feel better get back to it where you left off. I did some research on this topic and the general opinion out there is the same as mine, listen to your body. We regular girls and guys are not at the levels of these elites who's job it is to train!! Most of us are running to stay healthy, so it is important not to hurt yourself doing it by running sick.

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