Friday, January 30, 2009

It is OK to have a BAD Day

Well today’s run was not a great one. To start I was feeling tired and sluggish, but like a good soldier I got on the treadmill and got started. I got thorough two miles and had to stop to walk. I know I am capable of much more, but I just chalk it up to today was not my day. Maybe I will try again later.

I know from my experience that for most of us bad days are bound to happen once and a while and, as long as they are once in a while it is ok.

This concept was hard for me to accept in the beginning of my “running career”. I used to be very hard on myself for not having good runs or having to stop and walk. I have learned over the years that it is much more important to listen to your body rather that being so rigid that it becomes a chore. I like to compare it to dealing with the feeding of an infant where we are taught not to feed on a rigid schedule but take the baby’s cues and feed him when he is hungry. Follow your body’s cues. It is much better to have fun doing it than to force yourself. Just like anything else you just have a bad day from time to time.

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