Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away!!!

It has been raining here for three days straight now. I know that we need the rain so the practical part of me is happy, but the selfish part of me says enough!!!

I have not been able to get in a morning run (or any run) in for three days and I am starting to get agitated. I considered running in the rain this morning, but the thunder and lightning stopped me.

I know that I am whining as I could just run at the gym, but for me it is not the same. I really have a hard time treadmill running for any distance, especially after I have been running outside for so long.

I pretty much thought everyone felt the same way about treadmill running (choice of last resort), but I have found out lately that that is not true. There is a lady in my neighborhood who every morning pulls her treadmill out of her garage onto the driveway, and runs on her treadmill outside on her driveway. She runs for over an hour on the treadmill at what I can judge at a pretty good pace. I have never encountered her running on the roads in town, so I am thinking that running on the treadmill is her preference. She is definitely logging some distance on that machine, and every time I run past her and wave I can not help thinking that if I just pushed her off the machine (ever so gently) would she just take off down the road and run?

I know that everyone has their preferences, and I am in no position to criticize any one's workout plan. It is just that I dread running on the treadmill so much, I can not understand why someone would not only choose to do it every day, but drag the machine outside so as to say, 'I like to run outside, just no go anywhere'.

Again, it is not for me to judge, and she seems to be getting a better workout than me on most days so,'keep it up'.

If it doesn't stop raining, I think I will have to stop and ask her some advice, because I will be running that treadmill soon.

I am beginning to see some indications of sun, maybe there is hope.


Chris said...

I'm not big on treadmill running either, but once in a while, it's better than nothing.

HOpe the rain (and lightning!) let up soon for you!

ShutUpandRun said...

I have to say, I don't prefer the treadmill, but I've come to kind of like it for some variety. I like being able to set a pace an stick with it or to do the hill workout. Some of my best and hardest workouts have been on the treadmill. Good luck with all that rain. Stay safe!